Placenta Encapsulation Service
Placenta Encapsulation is the process of preparing the placenta for ingestion by dehydrating, powdering and placing it into capsules for the birthing person to use to help aid in postpartum recovery. Katie Richardson provides placenta encapsulation services throughout Middle Tennessee. She is trained through Pbi ( and provides the highest quality standards for placenta encapsulation services.
The vast majority of those who have given birth will experience some sort of postnatal mood disorder, with some estimates as high as 80%. When one family member suffers, it affects the entire family! The purpose of encapsulation is to help aid postpartum recovery, and hopefully avoid the baby blues! Encapsulation can be done for births that take place in a home, hospital, or birth center, and for both surgical and non-surgical births.
There are many healing substances found in the placenta such as iron to aid postpartum healing/recovery, prolactin to help increase milk production, as well as your unique hormones to improve mood, increase energy level, avoid baby blues and even help avoid postpartum depression. Also oxytocin and other healing hormones are known to be produced in the placenta.
The vast majority of those who have given birth will experience some sort of postnatal mood disorder, with some estimates as high as 80%. When one family member suffers, it affects the entire family! The purpose of encapsulation is to help aid postpartum recovery, and hopefully avoid the baby blues! Encapsulation can be done for births that take place in a home, hospital, or birth center, and for both surgical and non-surgical births.
There are many healing substances found in the placenta such as iron to aid postpartum healing/recovery, prolactin to help increase milk production, as well as your unique hormones to improve mood, increase energy level, avoid baby blues and even help avoid postpartum depression. Also oxytocin and other healing hormones are known to be produced in the placenta.
Services include placenta pills, placenta tincture, and cord keepsake.
The tincture is an alcohol based infusion that lasts long after your pills are gone.
The placenta tincture can be used during emotional times, stress, PMS, and into menopause to help regulate hormones in the body.
The tincture is an alcohol based infusion that lasts long after your pills are gone.
The placenta tincture can be used during emotional times, stress, PMS, and into menopause to help regulate hormones in the body.